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National Program of Electricity Conservation - PROCEL

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 20 July 2021

Created in 1985, the National Program of Electricity Conservation – PROCEL aimed at promoting energy efficiency in several economy sectors, through effective measures of energy conservation. In 2016 a new source of funds and a new governance were defined to the Program (Law nº 13,280/2016). The current subprograms of Procel are: Buildings (Procel Edifica); Industry; Public / Street Lighting (Procel Reluz); Sanitation (Procel Sanear); Education (Procel Educação); Municipal Energy Management (Procel GEM); Information (Procel Info); PROCEL Seal; Marketing campaigns; structuring studies.

Law 13,280/2016 defined the elaboration of the Resources Allocation Plans (PAR), to orient the use of the financial resources to be destined to energy efficiency projects, under Procel’s administration. Each Plan is valid for 12 months, in consonance with the commitment of resources. The projects approved to be implemented in each PAR can be multiannual and are annually evaluated according with performance indicators and targets established previously.

Some numbers of Procel, under the new governance are:

    1. 1st PAR (2017/2018) - R$ 111 million:
        1. 2 public calls (28 technical cooperation acts);
        2. 20 contracts of service;
        3. 6 agreements with public or non-profit institutions.
    2. 2nd PAR (2018/2019) - R$ 140 million
        1. 2 public calls (71 technical cooperation acts)
        2. 22 contracts of service;
        3. 10 agreements with public or non-profit institutions.
    3. 3rd PAR (2020/2021) - R$ 361 million
        1. ~7 public calls
        2. ~ 18 contracts of service
        3. ~ 7 agreements with public or non-profit institutions.

The 4th PAR (2021/2022) is currently being elaborated, according to the procedures defined by Law.

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