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NECP - LIFE-IP North-HU-Trans project

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 19 January 2022

The overall objective of the LIFE-IP North-HU-Trans project is to ensure the full implementation of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). In particular the project will contribute to the decarbonisation of the Màtra Power Plant (MPP), the last remaining lignite power plant in the Hungarian electricity system and a major source of GHG emissions, by 2030.


the specific objectives are:

- Roadmap and implementation of the gradual phase-out of the lignite-fired units of the MPP and gradual retirement of its open-pit lignite mines by 2030;

- Replacing them with low-carbon technology solutions, primarily with renewable energy and energy storage, and secondarily with natural gas technologies;

- Developing the prototype solutions designed for post-mining sites of the MPP;

- Develop, test and evaluate innovative flexibility solutions, such as energy storage and network solutions, to support the expansion of renewable energy generation.


The closure of the lignite-fired unites would save 6.5 Mt of annual CO2 emissions, which represents 14% of total Hungarian CO2 emissions, and 50% of emissions from the electricity sector. 

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