Act No. 321/2014 Coll. on Energy Efficiency and amendments of certain acts as amended
Measures for support and improvement of energy efficiency for new and refurbished electricity production facilities. In addition, electricity producers using combustion engines of 1 MW capacity or more, gas turbines of more than 2 MW capacity, and producers of electricity using other thermal processes with the total capacity of the energy source 10 MW and more, are obliged to undertake an energy audit of the equipment, and investigate the possibility of CHP operation of such equipment.
Power transmission system operators and distribution system operators are obliged to regularly evaluate transmission efficiency and publish this evaluation no later than on 31st March of the following year. The same obligation applies to the operators of gas, liquid fuels, delivered heat, waterworks and sewage systems.
Energy consumers must comply with operation economy rules for energy-consuming equipment. Owners of non-industrial buildings with floor space of 1000 m2 and more with centralised space heating must provide hydraulic balanced heating systems in the building and thermostatic valves for heaters.
Obligations for preparation of strategic documents in the field of energy efficiency. Here the Ministry of Economy (MoE) is obliged to develop an energy efficiency strategy, submit it to the Government, evaluate the fulfilment of the strategys goals, and regularly (every three years) provide action plans of energy efficiency and monitor its outcomes. MoE also determines energy efficiency targets, makes an estimate energy efficiency potential of district heating systems and concludes energy saving agreements with entrepreneurs. In the field of energy efficiency of public buildings, MoE in close cooperation with the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development has obligations concerning strategy development, planning and periodical evaluation of renovation of public buildings with floor area of 250 m2 or more. The Act defines also rules and obligations related to monitoring, evaluation and evaluation of national energy efficiency target for MoE and operator of monitoring system as well as for data providers (energy companies, utilities as well as for relevant public bodies).
Rules of performing of energy audits:
Here the Act defines rules and conditions for energy auditors as well as the obligation to pass an energy audit at least each 4 years for a "big“ (European Commission Recommendation of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (notified under document number C(2003) 1422) (OJ L 124, 20.5.2003, pp. 36–41) enterprise, it means an enterprise with either more than 250 employees or annual turnover over 50 mil.€ or balance sheet over 43 mil.€ .
Enterpreneurship in the field of energy services:
Act on Energy Efficiency recognizes 3 types of energy services
Support (i.e. "soft") Energy Service includes mainly advisory or education activities;
Guarranteed Energy Service includes implementation of complex energy services project; and
Energy Service for Public Sector is a special type of Guarranteed Energy Service, where either public authority or public financial resources are involved according to rules specified in the Act.
Information provision: It includes on the one hand collection of information about energy services providers by an authority specified by MoE. On the other hand the Act stipulates obligations concernig information provision in the field of thermal energy as well as information provision gas and electricity distribution companies for final customers. Finally, offences against the Act and financial penalties are enumerated.
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