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Emissions trading scheme

Last updated: 3 June 2024

Kazakhstan introduced emissions trading scheme (ETS) in its legislation in 2011 and it became operational in 2013. There were several Phases of National Allocation Plan: Phase I (2013), Phase II (2014-15), Phase III (2018-20). The ETS was temporarily suspended in 2016-2017, because leglisation and allocation method needed improvements. In Phase IV (2021), cap was set at 159.9 MtCO2 for the year (plus reserve 11.5 MtCO2), with 225 participating installations belonging to 130 operators. The next phase will be for five years, as stated in the new Environmental Code. In the Phase III (2018-2020), participating operators could choose the allocation method between grandparenting and productbased benchmarking, in the Phase IV (2021) only benchmarking is allowed.

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