The IEA has discontinued providing data in the Beyond 2020 format (IVT files and through WDS). Data is now available through the .Stat Data Explorer, which also allows users to export data in Excel and CSV formats.
Source: International Energy AgencyLast updated: 5 November 2017
Unveiled in September 2006, the main objectives of Irelands two-year "Power of One" energy efficiency multi-media awareness campaign are: - to build awareness on types and sources of energy, costs and environmental impacts - to inform consumers about the impact that inefficient energy use has on costs and the environment - to encourage individual responsibility and change in behaviour in small ways, every day - to empower individuals to recognise their role in the challenge and to use their power to collectively change energy consumption patterns. As part of the campaign, a "Power of One Street" project was launched in March 2007 and lasted six months. Power of One Street tracked the energy efficiency of 8 families from different geographical and social backgrounds. Each month, the participants were set a challenge to improve their energy efficiency. The purpose of the project was to promote Power of One messaging by demonstrating the simple changes that can be made to improve energy efficiency in the home, save on energy costs and reduce CO2 emissions. The Power of One Street "wrap" event took place on 21 October 2007 and savings were announced to the media. Calculated equivalent savings over a yearly period and the Euro savings were substantial, with one family reducing their household bills by nearly Eur 1,000, and most of the families saving well in excess of Eur 500. As a whole, the families saved over 22 tonnes in CO2 emissions. A follow up initiative Power of One Street 2 will be launched in Spring 2008, involving 5 households, 3 small busineses and a school. The Power of One campaign also includes a "Power of One at Work" initiative, which seeks to encourage Irish employers and employees to be more energy efficienct in the workplace. The initiative provides basic guidance on energy efficiency for employees and business owners and managers, especially those in small to medium sized organisations. Larger busuinesses are encouraged to get involved in Sustainable Energy Irelands structured energy management programmes. Power of One at Work includes an advertising campaign, website with downloadable materials ( and a toolkit for running a basic workplace energy awareness campaign. The Power of One Schools 'module was launched in November 2007. This pilot initiative focuses on the transition year students of 22 schools throughout the country, reaching approximately 200 students. Each school is being asked to research energy use and energy inefficiencies in their everyday lives. The schools will then develop a marketing strategy to promote energy efficiency in a local primary school, to their parents and amongst their peers. A full evaluation programme has been put in place. At the end of the school year an exhibition and an awards ceremony will be held to showcase the students 'efforts, both of which will feature on national TV. A review of the pilot programme will be undertaken with a view to rolling out the schools 'programme nationwide. A dedicated Power of One Schools website will also be developed in 2008.