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KfW-Programme Energy-Efficient Rehabilitation

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The programme provides funding for comprehensive modernisation measures (for residential buildings) for KfW Efficiency Houses (EH 55 to 115) and highly energy-efficient individual measures (including insulation of the building envelope, new windows, new heating systems). Funding is made available for investment grants (a maximum of 30% of the investment costs or €30,000 per residential unit) or low-interest loans -combined with a repayment grant of up to 27.5%.Low-interest loans with repayment grants amounting to 12.5% or grants totalling 15% of the investment costs (a maximum of €15,000 per residential unit) are available for the moderni-sation of buildings subject to heritage conservation (listed buildings) and of buildings par-ticularly worthy of preservation.

Want to know more about this policy ? Learn more