3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP)
average annual increase of 2.1% in macroeconomic energy productivity from 2008 to 2020
reduce primary energy consumption from 2008 levels by 20% by 2020 and by 50% by 2050
Results to date:
Energy savings of 2 246 PJ by 2016 (993 PJ between 1995-2007 and 1 253 PJ between 2008-2016)
Measures and actions:
Quality control and optimisation of existing energy consultancy services to support energy efficiency consulting for refurbishment plans of entire buildings, including groups of owners. Target savings: 4 PJ of primary energy consumption.
Tax incentives for energy efficiency refurbishment targeted at improving energy efficiency and renewable heat usage in residential buildings (target date Q1 2015). Target savings: 40 PJ of primary energy consumption.
CO2 Building Refurbishment Programme has been extended to increase funds available through the soft loan programmes to EUR 2 billion, with an additional EUR 300 million/year. The programme is now extended to commercial and communal properties, as well as residential. Target savings: 12.5-51.5 PJ of primary energy consumption
Pilot Energy Efficiency Tenders "Step Up!" is a pilot phase (2015-2018) for energy efficiency tenders to take place in a variety of sectors, e.g. IT servers, heat pump replacements. Total funding EUR 315 million from 2015-2018.
Increased guarantee provision for long-term energy efficiency contracting to EUR 2 million over three years starting from 2015. Target savings: 5.5-10 PJ of primary energy consumption
KFW Energy Efficiency Programme has been extended to include two new levels of access to the programme ( "Starter € programme at 10% energy savings, and the "Premium Standard € at 30%). The programme supports private sector energy efficiency improvements through soft loans. Target savings: 29.5 PJ of primary energy consumption
Energy Efficiency Network Initiative targets the creation of 500 "Energy Efficiency Networks € by 2020 to provide implementation frameworks and tools for the government energy efficiency plan at a local level. Target savings: 74.5 PJ of primary energy consumption
Top-Runner Initiative plans to push for increased energy efficiency in supply chains and product development through the creation of higher standard at a national level and the granting of EUR 6 million in research support. Target savings: 85 PJ of primary energy consumption
Mandatory energy audits requires large companies to perform a full certified energy audit of their activities by the end of 2015. Target savings: 50.5 PJ of primary energy consumption
National energy efficiency labelling for old heating systems requires heaters and boilers to be given an energy efficiency grading during the existing mandatory chimney-sweep visits. Owners of boilers considered too old or inefficient under the scheme will receive advice on potential upgrades. Target savings: 10 PJ of primary energy consumption
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