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National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) - Renewable energy sources

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 11 February 2022

The National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) sets the objective of at least 35% of renewable energy sources (RES) in gross final enrgy consumption. The objectives for the RES share are at least 60% in gross final electricity consumption, 40% in heating and cooling, and 14% in the transport sector. Policy measures planned for the promotion of RES include:


1) Power generation

- Competitive procedures for commercially mature RES technologies;

- Obligations to participate in the market and gradual increase of obligations by type of RES plant and of contract models;

- Continuation of support scheme with dynamic adjustment of operating support for new installations of individual RES technologies;

- Support to innovative pilot projects with high domestic added value;

- Updating, simplification and optimisation of the functioning of the licensing and physical planning frameworks.


2) Heating/cooling

- Use of tax incentives for installations in the residential and tertiary sectors;

- Development of a regulatory framework for the production of thermal energy from RES and the feeding of biomethane into the natural gas network;

Development of supply chains for residual biomass/biodegradable matter and support for the development and implementation of optimal environmental and energyefficient bioenergy applications.


3) Transport

- Completion of the necessary energy infrastructures for recharging electric vehicles;

- Development of a framework of incentives for the use of electric vehicles;

- Pilot actions for the use of RES gaseous fuels in the transport sector.

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