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TEN-E (Trans-European Networks for Energy): CCUS

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 4 November 2022

The TEN-E Regulation supports the modernisation of Europe's cross-border energy infrastructure to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal. Europe's progress towards a climate neutral economy powered by clean energy requires new infrastructure adapted to new technologies. The TEN-E policy supports this transformation through projects of common interest (PCIs), which must contribute to the achievement of the EU's emission reduction targets for 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050. 

The regulation was updated in May 2022 to align with the European Union’s 2050 climate neutrality objectives. The revision includes three priority thematic areas: smart electricity grids, smart gas grids, and cross-border CO2 networks. The CO2 networks area includes CO2 transport and storage infrastructure between EU member states and with neighbouring third countries. Eligible infrastructure includes pipelines, CO2 storage facilities linked to cross-border transport of CO2 (excluded prior to the update), and fixed facilities for liquefaction and buffer storage that are associated with further transportation. Other transport methods – ships, barges, trucks and trains – are now referenced, but do not appear to be considered eligible. The infrastructure for geological storage that is applicable to this regulation is the associated surface and injection facilities necessary to allow the cross-border transport and storage of CO2, and CO2 transport infrastructure is currently limited to pipelines.

In addition to receiving access to funding, projects that have PCI status may also receive preferential treatment from relevant authorities in the context of permitting and environmental assessment. PCIs can benefit from accelerated planning and permitting, a single authority for obtaining permits, and lower administrative costs from streamlined environmental review processes.

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