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Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution - Point 5: Green Public Transport, Cycling and Walking

Last updated: 26 April 2023

As part of The Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, with a total budget of 12 billion GBP, the Prime Minister announced point 5 as an incentive to increase greener urban mobility, through increased usage of public transport and greater usage of bikes and pedestrian means of circulation. 


Tens of billions GBP in enhancements and renewals of the rail network, 4.2 billion GBP in city public transport and 5 billion GBP on buses, cycling and walking, following the PM's announcement in February 2020. 


120 million GBP in 2021 for the development of at least 4000 more British built zero emissions buses (12% local operator bus fleet in England), with the publication of the National Bus Strategy in 2021, funded through the 5 billion GBP budget. Also fund at least 2 all-electric bus towns, beginning in 2020 and developing the first fully zero-emission city centre. 


Expand rail routes around big regional cities, including Manchester and Brimingham. Progress the Midlands Rail Hub scheme in Birmingham and improvements in Manchester and Leeds, alongside Northern Powerhouse Rail to improve east-west links across the Pennines. 


Build additional miles of cycle lanes, expand school streets with 250 million GBP in 2020 as part of the PM's announcement to spend 2 billion over this Parliament. Active Travel England, will hold the budget, inspect schemes and assess local authorities for their performance on active travel. Also launch a national programme of support to increase uptake of electric bikes. 


Expected results: 

3000 new jobs by 2025

government investment of 5 billion GBP in buses, cycling and walking 

savings of around 2 MtCO2e from green buses, cycling and walking between 2023 and 2032. 


Early 2021: National Bus Strategy and first electric bus town 

2021: first of 4000 new zero-emission buses delivered 

2023-2024: first rail lines opened 

2025: cycle training available to every school child and adult 

by 2025: double cycling rates from 2013 levels to 1.6 billion stages per year. 

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