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Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020
Source: International Energy AgencyLast updated: 16 September 2020
Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 (OP Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020) is a national programme supporting low-carbon economy, environmental protection, prevention and adaptation to climate change, transport and energy security. EU funds from the programme will also be used to a limited extent for investments in the areas of health care and cultural heritage.1 Priority axis I Decarbonisation of the economyMeasure 1.1 Promotion of generation and distribution of energy from renewable sources1.1.1 Support for investment in the generation of energy from renewable sources and the connection of these sources to the distribution/transmission network 1.1.2 Support for projects concerning the construction and reconstruction of networks enabling the connection of energy generation units from RES Measure 1.2 Promotion of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in enterprises Measure 1.3 Promotion of energy efficiency in buildings1.3.1. Promoting energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in enterprises 1.3.2. Promoting energy efficiency in the housing sector 1.3.3. National advisory support system for the public sector, housing and energy efficiency and RES companies Action 1.4 Development and deployment of intelligent distribution systems operating at low and medium voltage levels.1.4.1.Supporting the construction of smart electricity networks for pilot and demonstration purposes Action 1.5 Efficient distribution of heat and cold.Measure 1.6 Promotion of the use of high-efficiency cogeneration of heat and electricity based on useful heat demand.1.6.1 Sources of high-efficiency cogeneration 1.6.2 District heating and cooling networks for high-efficiency cogeneration sources 2 Priority axis II Environmental protection, including adaptation to climate changeAction 2.1 Adaptation to climate change, including securing and enhancing resilience to natural disasters, in particular natural disasters, and environmental monitoring7 Priority axis VII Improving energy securityAction 7.1 Development of intelligent energy storage, transmission and distribution systems.Cohesion Fund 730 million EUR