The IEA has discontinued providing data in the Beyond 2020 format (IVT files and through WDS). Data is now available through the .Stat Data Explorer, which also allows users to export data in Excel and CSV formats.
Source: International Energy AgencyLast updated: 16 September 2020
MD July 4th 2019, so called MD FER1, provides support to the most mature RES-E technologies plants (PV, Onshore wind, hydroelectric and residual gases from purification processes) divided into four groups of technologies that can receive the support through two different ways of accessing incentives (feed-in tariff or two ways sliding feed-in premium) depending on the capacity of the plant and the group to which it belongs: plants greater than 1 kW (20 kW for PV) and less than 1 MW must apply to the Registers, whose available capacity is assigned based on specific priority criteria; installations greater than or equal to 1 MW must apply by participating to competitive auctions, whose available capacity is assigned to the participants offering the biggest discount on the base tariff.The D.M. 04/07/2019 divides the plants that can access the incentives into four groups based on their type, their renewable energy source and the size of the projects:Group A:- new “on-shore” wind turbines, complete reconstruction of existing wind turbines, reactivation of systems decommissioned for more than 10 years or repowering (power increase) of existing systems- new photovoltaic systemsGroup A-2:- new photovoltaic systems wholly replacing asbestos roofs of industrial and rural buildingsGroup B:-new hydroelectric plants, or complete reconstruction of existing hydro plants (excluding aqueduct systems), reactivation of plants decommissioned for more than 10 years or repowering (power increase) of existing hydro plants-residual gases from purification processes in new plants, reactivation of plants decommissioned for more than 10 years or repowering (power increase) of existing hydro plantsGroup C:includes the plants subject to total or partial renovation:- on-shore wind- hydroelectric- residual gases from purification processes.There are 7 rounds for applications to the registers and auctions to be held according to the calendar of the MD between the end of 2019 and 2021.