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Environment Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (EPEEF)

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 5 November 2017
Fund was established in 2003. Apart of its financial activities it is also a National Energy Efficiency Agency.
Goal of the Fund is to provide financial support to preparation, development and implementation of various programmes and projects in fields of environmental protection, waste management, energy efficiency and renewable energies.
Financial resources of the Fund are coming from charges on polluters of the environment (charges for emission of CO2, SO2 and NO2), charges for burdening the environment with waste, special environmental on motor vehicles.
Local and regional self-governments as well as legal and natural persons with suitable project plan are eligible for Fund support. Fund cannot allocate to one project more than 40% of the project investment costs (unless they are allocated in special areas -islands and mountains).
Financial resources from the Fund can be allocated to the projects in a form of:
- loans (zero interest rate, repayment period 7 years (grace period 2 years, payback period 5 years), up to 190.000 EUR);
- subsidies (up to 2% of the stipulated rate and up to 108.000 EUR);
- financial aid (only for units of regional and local self-government up to 190.000 EUR);
- grants (for educational, research and development activities, up to 22.000 EUR).

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