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Horizon 2020 funding for carbon capture, utilisation and storage

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 1 July 2020

Horizon 2020, or H2020, is a major EU research and innovation funding programme.


Among a variety of research topics and projects funded by H2020, several are focused on CCUS. For example:


LEILAC (Low Emissions Intensity Lime And Cement), which will pilot a breakthrough technology that has the potential to enable both Europe’s cement and lime industries to reduce their emissions dramatically and cost-effectively. LEILAC is based on an innovative carbon capture and storage technology that enables capture of the process emissions in cement production. The EUR 21 million (USD 23 million) project has received EUR 12 million (USD 13 million) via the H2020 programme.


STRATEGY CCUS, a three year programme (2019-2022), which supports the development of low-carbon energy and industry in the Southern and Eastern regions of Europe. The programme aims to identify potential CO2 transport corridors in relation to industry clusters that can connect them with North Sea CCUS infrastructure that is in planning. The EU contribution for this project amounts to almost EUR 3 million


STEMM-CCS (Strategies for Environmental Monitoring of Marine Carbon Capture and Storage), a project that aims to address gaps in knowledge and capability needed for monitoring offshore carbon capture and storage sites. The EU contribution for this project amounts to over EUR 15 million.

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