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Implementation of the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Source: International Energy AgencyLast updated: 5 November 2017
In 2007, the Finnish government took a number of steps to implement the EU directive on the energy performance of buildings. On 13 April 2007, the Finnish parliament approved new legislation regulating the energy efficiency of buildings. The new legislation includes two new acts - the Act on Building Energy Certification (487/2007) and the Act on Inspection of Air-Conditioning Systems (488/2007) - and a revision of the Land Use and Building Act. The new legislation will come into force from 1 January 2008. Additionally, the existing Building Regulations, given in the National Building Code of Finland under the Land Use and Building Act, were amended by the Ministry of the Environment in order to comply with the directive (see separate entry). Act on Building Energy Certification According to this new act, certification will be obligatory for new buildings with a building permit in 2008. Other buildings when rented or sold must have an energy performance certificate from 1 January 2009. Certificates will not be required for holiday homes or smaller buildings, industrial premises, protected buildings and churches. Certificates will be optional for existing detached houses and residential properties consisting of no more than six homes. Inspection of boilers and air conditioning A voluntary approach instead of mandatory boiler inspection has been approved by parliament for the implementation of Article 8 of the EU directive. In 1997, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of the Environment and the Finnish oil sector established a cooperation programme on furthering energy conservation in oil-heated properties. By refurbishing ageing oil-heated properties, remarkable savings of heating oil have been achieved. Since the beginning of 2003, Government subsidies have also been given for residential buildings for changing old heating systems to such systems that utilise renewable energy sources. These already existing instruments are the basis for the voluntary approach. According to the new Act on Inspection of Air-Conditioning Systems, inspections will be compulsory for cooling equipment with a nominal cooling efficiency of at least 12 kilowatts, and will only be needed where cooling systems are based on the use of compressors. Such equipment shall be duly inspected at least every ten years. The new act came into force on 1 January 2008. Additionally, the existing Building Regulations, given in the National Building Code of Finland under the Land Use and Building Act, were amended by the Ministry of the Environment in order to comply with the directive (see separate entry).