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Energy Concept

Source: JOIN IEA/IRENA Policy and Measures Database
Last updated: 5 November 2017
The Energy Concept draws together several policy goals; of securing supply and protecting the climate while at the same time promoting the growth and competitiveness of German industry. Climate protection targets agreed under the Energy Concept are: to achieve a 40% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, 55% by 2030, 70% by 2040 and between 80% and 95% in 2050 on the values recorded in 1990. The Energy Concept sets out a basic strategic approach for the switch-over to renewables and energy efficiency for a secure, environmentally compatible and competitive supply of energy. The Energy Concept aims to address how to ensure a future energy supply that is both secure and affordable while fulfilling the ambitious climate protection targets of the coalition agreement (minus 80% CO2 by 2050).
In this context, renewables should account for the main share of the energy supply. The Energy Concept contains a large number of specific meaures and a sound financial basis for this (the energy and climate fund). The Energy Concept describes specific targets and development paths through the year 2050:
1) Greenhouse gas emissions are to be cut by the following rates (compared to 1990 levels): 40% by 2020, 55% by 2030; 70% by 2040 and 80-95% by 2050.
2) The share of renewable energy sources in final energy consumption is to increase from roughly 10% today to 60% by 2050.
3) Compared to 2008 levels, there is to be a 20% reduction in primary energy consumption by 2020, and a 50% reduction by 2050.
4) The annual rate of building renovation to upgrade energy performance is to be doubled from current levels, from 1% to 2% per year. The Energy Concept contains a wide variety of specific measures to meet these targets.
- On top of this, there is an immediate action programme consisting of ten especially urgent measures. The immediate action programme focuses in particular on the expansion of offshore wind power and the expansion/upgrading of power grids. Every 3 years, starting in 2013, the Federal Government will carry out a scientifically grounded monitoring process to review the implementation status of the Energy Concept. Furthermore, the Energy Concept contains a solid plan for financing the necessary measures over the long term.

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