National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP)
France 2020 renewable energy targets:
Overall target: 23% of share of energy generated from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption;
Heating and cooling: 33% of heat consumption met by renewable sources;
Electricity: 27% of electricity demand met by electricity generated from renewable energy sources;
Transport: 10.5% of energy demand met by renewable energy sources.
In order to achieve above enlisted targets France runs following incentive schemes:
Modifications of administrative procedures in order to overcome administrative barriers to the deployment of renewable energies;
Tax reliefs (VAT, Measures improving energy efficiency and energy savings in buildings;
Grants Financial aid to research, development and deployment of renewable and energy efficiency technologies;
Investments in railway infrastructure with purpose of energy savings.
Every two years, each Member State has to submit a report in the promotion and use of energy from renewable sources. These progress reports assesses the situation of each member states regarding their national objectives.
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