Energy Efficiency New comprehensive overview of world industrial energy efficiency and CO2 intensity 25 June 2007
News Legal and regulatory frameworks for CO2 storage should be fast-tracked to spur demonstration 21 June 2007
Germany The IEA praises Germany’s commitment to sound energy policies and now urges the government to reconsider the phase-out of nuclear power and to focus on energy market reform and climate policy 04 June 2007
News The IEA applauds Korea’s rapid development to a modern energy system and now urges reform of energy markets and action on environmental concerns 31 May 2007
Russia The Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation and the IEA renew their Memorandum of Understanding 27 April 2007
United Kingdom IEA commends UK energy policy for supporting investment and energy efficiency, but outlines challenges on future security of supply 01 March 2007
News IEA Identifies Best Practices in Energy Policies during 2006, Highlighting Energy Efficiency and Technology 18 December 2006
News Nobuo Tanaka nominated to succeed Claude Mandil as IEA Executive Director in September 2007 14 December 2006
News IEA commends Greek energy policy for supporting regional energy links, but outlines domestic challenges on market reform 29 November 2006
News IEA exhorts Ministers to “bridge the gap” between current policies and the new measures that will empower a more secure, environmentally acceptable energy system 14 November 2006
News The World Energy Outlook 2006 Maps Out a Cleaner, Cleverer and More Competitive Energy Future 07 November 2006
News Weltenergieausblick 2006 zeigt den Weg in eine sauberere, intelligentere und auf mehr Wettbewerb basierende Energieversorgung 07 November 2006