Natural Gas IEA urges overcoming investment uncertainties, cost increases and delays in natural gas markets to maintain security of supply 18 September 2008
European Union European Union is leading on climate change and energy policies, but needs to increase funding for energy research and development 04 September 2008
Oil Despite slowing oil demand, IEA sees continued market tightness over the medium term 01 July 2008
News IEA welcomes steps toward reform and integration in the Western Balkans and calls for strengthened institutions, policies and implementation 26 June 2008
Japan The IEA praises Japan’s commitment to and action on technology development and deployment across the globe, and urges the country to strengthen domestic energy and climate policies 09 June 2008
News Now or Never: IEA Energy Technology Perspectives 2008 shows pathways to sustained economic growth based on clean and affordable energy technology 06 June 2008
News IEA commends Sweden for its sound and sustainable energy policy, but urges clarification on the role of nuclear power 28 May 2008
Finland The IEA praises Finland’s commitment to balanced and realistic energy policy, and urges the government to continue to be vigilant on energy security 26 March 2008
Energy Efficiency IEA urges overcoming market barriers to increased energy efficiency in buildings 20 March 2008
Austria Austria has made commendable progress on R&D and developing renewables, but needs to act on energy efficiency and market competition 27 February 2008
News IEA commends US government for energy policy acts and outlines challenges on energy efficiency and renewables 15 February 2008
Climate Change Ministries with energy responsibilities must step up now to climate change mitigation and realise huge potential of energy efficiency 11 December 2007
Switzerland IEA commends Switzerland for its energy policy reforms, but sees more room for higher energy efficiency and use of renewable energy 26 November 2007
World Energy Outlook The World Energy Outlook makes the case for stepping up co-operation with China and India to address global energy challenges 07 November 2007