Carbon capture, utilisation and storage Carbon capture, utilisation and storage finally catches the spotlight 07 December 2018
India Workshop on energy statistics kicks off week of events highlighting IEA-India cooperation 07 December 2018
Climate Change Carbon emissions from advanced economies set to rise in 2018 for first time in five years, reversing a declining trend 04 December 2018
Carbon capture, utilisation and storage IEA and UK kick-start a new global era for CCUS 28 November 2018
Access and Affordability Executive Director in Vienna for presentation of World Energy Outlook 15 November 2018
France IEA participates in first Paris Peace Forum to expand global dialogue on energy and security 14 November 2018
Electricity World Energy Outlook 2018 examines future patterns of global energy system at a time of increasing uncertainties 13 November 2018
Access and Affordability Population without access to electricity falls below 1 billion 30 October 2018
World Energy Outlook Economic diversification for oil and gas exporters doesn’t mean leaving energy behind 25 October 2018
World Energy Outlook Major oil and gas exporters face unprecedented challenges in years ahead, new IEA study shows 25 October 2018
Energy Security Finland shows how bioenergy and nuclear can drive the energy transition 23 October 2018
Carbon capture, utilisation and storage finally catches the spotlight