Renewables Renewable capacity growth worldwide stalled in 2018 after two decades of strong expansion 06 May 2019
Oil New IEA report provides practical roadmap to address Iraq’s current electricity shortfall and future energy needs 25 April 2019
Hydrogen Dr Fatih Birol meets with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe and other leaders 12 April 2019
Energy Efficiency Regional training week in Thailand brings energy efficiency experts from across Southeast Asia 04 April 2019
Climate Change Global energy demand rose by 2.3% in 2018, its fastest pace in the last decade 26 March 2019
Access and Affordability Thinking about energy and water together can help ensure that “no one is left behind” 22 March 2019
Energy Security United States to lead global oil supply growth, while no peak in oil demand in sight 11 March 2019
The clean hydrogen future has already begun