Energy Efficiency IEA holds largest ever energy efficiency conference and launches new global commission for urgent action 25 June 2019
Renewables International action can scale up hydrogen to make it a key part of a clean and secure energy future, according to new IEA report 14 June 2019
Access and Affordability IEA and African Union hold first ever ministerial meeting on development of Africa’s energy sector 13 June 2019
Natural Gas Demand from Asia is set to power the growth of the global gas industry over the next five years 07 June 2019
United Kingdom The United Kingdom has made major progress in reducing emissions, according to the IEA’s latest country review 06 June 2019
Nuclear Power Steep decline in nuclear power would threaten energy security and climate goals 28 May 2019
Climate Change Progress on energy technologies fails to keep pace with long-term goals for clean energy transitions 27 May 2019
Access and Affordability More people have access to electricity than ever before, but the world is falling short of its sustainable energy goals 22 May 2019
Investment Global energy investment stabilised above USD 1.8 trillion in 2018, but security and sustainability concerns are growing 14 May 2019
Renewables Renewable capacity growth worldwide stalled in 2018 after two decades of strong expansion 06 May 2019
Oil New IEA report provides practical roadmap to address Iraq’s current electricity shortfall and future energy needs 25 April 2019
Carbon market negotiations under the Paris Agreement