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IEA’s new Clean Energy Transitions Indicators online hub provides global view of efforts to reach net zero goals

Ahead of COP26, new web resource brings together key energy and emissions metrics to help governments, companies and citizens around the world get a clearer picture of where things stand

The International Energy Agency today launched a new online resource bringing together key energy and emissions indicators to provide an overview of progress towards net zero emissions globally and for individual countries as leaders from around the world prepare to gather at the COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow.

The IEA’s Energy Transitions hub includes a range of crucial metrics on emissions and clean energy from the comprehensive array of global energy data the Agency collects, processes and publishes. The new hub, whose indicators will update regularly, is designed to help governments, companies, investors and citizens keep track of international efforts to move towards a low-carbon energy future.

As the global authority on energy, the IEA is committed to making as much of its data and analysis as possible available for free to help inform public debates and policy making worldwide on energy and climate. The data from the Clean Energy Transitions Indicators will be freely available to everyone.

The hub will combine the IEA’s wide range of tracking resources, which assess the state of play of dozens of key energy technologies, sectors, investments and government policies, as well as energy supply and demand trends and their impacts on carbon emissions and energy sector employment.

“Governments have set out ambitious goals but we aren’t seeing anywhere near enough policy action and actual investment to rapidly roll out the technologies we need to get the planet on track to achieve net zero emissions,’’ said Fatih Birol, the IEA Executive Director. “The IEA’s new Clean Energy Transitions Indicators hub will provide an invaluable tool for anyone who wants to cut through the rhetoric and see what the data tell us about where things stand with global efforts to move towards a clean energy future.”

As well as a suite of key energy and emissions indicators, the new hub will offer users a gateway to the IEA’s major energy transition tracking resources that combine data and analysis to provide insights into key global trends. This includes the Sustainable Recovery Tracker, which assesses the amount of recovery spending going towards clean energy investments, and the implications for energy emissions, transitions and employment. The Tracker received a significant update just yesterday ahead of the G20 Leaders’ Summit and COP26.

The new indicators hub will also encompass the IEA’s Tracking Clean Energy Progress online resource, which analyses the state of play in 46 vital energy technology areas. On 4 November, the IEA will release the 2021 update of Tracking Clean Energy Progress, benchmarking the different technology areas against the pathway set out in the Agency’s landmark Roadmap to Net Zero by 2050, which was published in May.