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IEA-led report measures scale of meeting twin challenges of energy poverty and climate change

A new report published today as part of the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative finds that a population four times the size of the United States still lives without access to electricity, holding back global economic development, and that, despite efforts to limit climate change, fossil fuels still account for more than 80% of the world’s energy mix.

The Global Tracking Framework, a multi-agency effort led by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the World Bank, calculates the starting point against which the SE4ALL initiative can benchmark progress towards its three objectives of achieving universal access to modern energy services, doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency and doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix (all by 2030).

“The Sustainable Energy for All initiative is a rallying cry to tackle the twin crises of energy poverty and climate change, and this Global Tracking Framework is an important first response,” said Maria van der Hoeven, Executive Director of the IEA and a member of the Advisory Board of the SE4ALL initiative. “By measuring the scale of the challenge, it provides a crucial reference against which the partners of the SE4ALL initiative, and all of us, can track progress towards building a cleaner energy system for all. The IEA has advocated stronger action to tackle energy poverty for more than a decade as part of its World Energy Outlook, but more needs to be done to tackle the problem. It is a moral imperative and we cannot afford to ignore it.”

The Global Tracking Framework estimates that, as of 2010, 17% of the global population did not have access to electricity while 41% still relied on wood or other biomass to cook and heat their homes. Renewable energy accounted for 18% of the global energy mix in 2010, while global energy efficiency had improved by 1.3% per year on average since 1990.

Global action is required, but the nature of the challenge differs across countries and, for each of the SE4ALL goals, the report identifies 20 “high-impact” countries that are crucial to making major progress. The report also finds that achievement of the SE4ALL goals requires energy investments to increase by at least USD 600 billion per year until 2030, compared with the level currently expected. But the costs are not spread evenly, with universal access to modern cooking needing an additional USD 4.4 billion per year and electricity access needing USD 45 billion per year, while renewables need an additional USD 174 billion per year and energy efficiency USD 394 billion per year. This investment must be accompanied by a comprehensive package of policy measures, including fiscal, financial and economic incentives, phasing out fossil-fuel  subsidies, and pricing of carbon.

To read the Executive Summary of Global Tracking Framework, please click here

To download Global Tracking Framework, please click here.

To download the presentation at the launch of Global Tracking Framework, please click here.

To link to the World Energy Outlook's Modern Energy for All webpage, please click here

To link to the Sustainable Energy for All webpage, please click here.

About the IEA

The International Energy Agency is an autonomous organisation which works to ensure reliable, affordable and clean energy for its 28 member countries and beyond. Founded in response to the 1973/4 oil crisis, the IEA’s initial role was to help countries co-ordinate a collective response to major disruptions in oil supply through the release of emergency oil stocks to the markets. While this continues to be a key aspect of its work, the IEA has evolved and expanded. It is at the heart of global dialogue on energy, providing reliable and unbiased research, statistics, analysis and recommendations.