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IEA Energy and Carbon Tracker 2022

An interactive product showcasing a wide set of indicators to analyse historical trends of greenhouse gas emissions, energy, power and sectoral patterns at country level.

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The IEA Energy and Carbon Tracker is an interactive product showcasing a wide set of indicators useful to analyse historical trends of greenhouse gas emissions, covering energy, power and sectoral patterns - all at country level. This product is published in Excel format and includes graphs and associated data, also allowing for country comparison. The user-friendly design allows visual presentation of a set of analyses which help tracking decarbonisation for each country and globally.

With the objective to increase the scope of included greenhouse gas emissions estimations, the IEA has covered in the 2022 edition the broad set of energy-related greenhouse gases accounting for bulk of the category 1 of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for GHG inventories.

The data are derived from the 2022 editions of the IEA World Energy Balances, Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy and Energy Efficiency Indicators databases. The Tracker includes annual data from year 2000 up to year-1 for selected indicators and key countries (mainly OECD countries, IEA Family); and up to year-2 for the global set of indicators for over 150 countries and regions. The Tracker includes graphs and data for the following indicators:

  • Total GHG emissions from energy by product (new addition)
  • Total GHG emissions from fuel combustion by sector and by product (new addition)
  • Total fugitive GHG emissions by energy sector and by type of gas (new addition)
  • Share of fuel combustion and fugitive GHG emissions in total energy-related GHG emissions (new addition)
  • GHG and energy-related socio-economic indicators (new addition)
  • Share of CO2 emissions from fuel combustion by product
  • Total energy supply by source and by product
  • Sectoral shares in total final consumption
  • Power generation and sectoral CO2 emissions from fuel combustion by product
  • Share of power generation by product
  • Drivers of CO2 emissions from electricity generation
  • Sectoral energy consumption by product
  • Sectoral energy and carbon intensities
  • End-use energy and carbon intensities by sector

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In particular, you would need to enter into a Licence Agreement with the IEA and pay a fee if you wish to use the IEA’s data in any type of modelling for the purpose of creating derived data or derived products, and any services to distribute or display such derived products.

If you intend such usage, please contact


Released once a year.

  • 26/09/2022

    September 2022