Cite product
IEA, Energy Technology Perspectives 2017, IEA, Paris, Licence: Terms of Use for Non-CC Material
Energy Technology Perspectives 2017
Free data and figures from Energy Technology Perspectives 2017
This free data set includes scenario and sectoral data from Energy Technology Perspectives 2017, as well as all the data behind the figures in the report.
Use of this data is subject to the IEA's terms and conditions. You will need to enter into a Licence Agreement with the IEA and pay a fee if you wish to use the IEA’s data, including scenario data, in any type of modelling for the purpose of creating derived data or derived products, and any services to distribute or display such derived products.
For example, you require a separate Licence Agreement to create metrics, alignment pathways, decarbonisation pathways and/or temperature scores at sector and/or company level in order to calculate and/or assess the climate compliance of investment portfolios and investment assets.
If you intend to have such usage, please contact
Scenario data
FileUpdatedDownload.Stat Suite
Scenario summary06/06/2018
Sectoral data
Includes all figures from the report and the data behind them.
FileUpdatedDownload.Stat Suite
Figures collection06/06/2018
ETP 2017