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IEA, Energy Prices, IEA, Paris https://www.iea.org/data-and-statistics/data-product/energy-prices, Licence: Terms of Use for Non-CC Material
Energy Prices
Combination of regularly-updated world energy prices covering 147 countries, and energy prices and taxes for OECD countries
The Energy Prices data service is composed of a main database and several datasets. The Energy Prices database covers 147 countries in the world with weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly data for end-use prices. OECD countries data also contain details on the end-use prices taxation breakdown at quarterly and yearly granularity.
Regular frequency of update: yearly for full database (April) and quarterly (March/June/September/December) for OECD countries. Partial transport data updated monthly.
Please refer to the availability files to check what combination of products/sectors/time/countries are included in each database.
Please note that the datasets are no longer available in IVT/B2020 format as of January 2025. A new online data platform has been made available to subscribers.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Important licence information
Single user or multi-user?
Single and multi-user licences can be purchased directly online. These licences are exclusively for a single company or group and do not allow you to do work with third parties or put the data in a model for which the derived data would be visible or available to third parties (see below).
A single user licence is appropriate as long as only one person can access or view the data. If other users were able to view even the results of the calculations in a shared internal tool then you would need a licence to reflect all the users – if they are in different locations then a global licence would be needed.
We would therefore expect all multinationals to purchase the global licence (unlimited users, multiple locations).
Do I need a contract or permission?
If you intend to use the data in any type of modelling for the purpose of creating derived data or derived products, and any services to distribute or display such derived products you need to sign an Agreement and pay a fee. The licences available online are exclusively for a single company or group and do not allow you to do work with third parties or put the data in a model for which the derived data would be visible or available to third parties (see below).
Can the data or any result of their processing be shared with third parties?
If you are using the data to calculate for third parties like clients, provide a tool that contains or relies on the data to third parties, or create other derived data which you intend to sell, disseminate or otherwise use externally, you need to request permission and enter into a Licence Agreement as such usage is not covered by our standard terms and conditions which you can find at the following link: https://www.iea.org/terms. If this is your case, please contact datasales@iea.org for more information.
Data sets
Energy Prices and Taxes
1 files
Energy Prices taxation information
1 files
Crude oil import costs and index by country
1 files
Crude oil import costs by type of crude
1 files
Crude spot prices
1 files
Oil product spot prices
1 files
Indices of real and nominal end-use energy prices
1 files
Wholesale and retail price indices for energy products
1 files
IEA Energy Prices - Monthly Prices Excerpt
1 files
Legacy - Energy Prices
4 files
Legacy - Energy Prices Transport Fuels
4 files
Legacy - Energy Prices Other products
4 files
Legacy - Energy Prices - Transport Fuels (subnational)
1 files
Legacy - End-use energy prices and taxes for OECD countries
3 files
Legacy - Consumer and producer price indices, exchange rates and purchasing power parities
1 files
Energy Prices and Taxes
The energy prices dataset comprises end-user energy prices and taxes at national and sub-national level, and at yearly, quarterly, monthly and weekly granularity.
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Energy Prices13/12/2024
Energy Prices taxation information
Additional data file on taxation, covering 7 categories of taxes across sectors and products for 71 countries, of which 33 non-OECD, depending on availability.
Crude oil import costs and index by country
Including monthly, quarterly and yearly average costs of crude oil imports (cif) by IEA member country.
Crude oil import costs by type of crude
Includes monthly, quarterly and yearly average costs of crude oil imports (cif) of IEA members, by 105 geographic origins.
Crude spot prices
Includes monthly, quarterly and yearly average crude oil spot market prices (fob), by crude product/geographic origin (11 grades or benchmarks).
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Crude spot prices - monthly and quarterly13/12/2024
Oil product spot prices
Includes monthly, quarterly and yearly average oil product spot market prices; by crude product and geographic market (6 products and 3 markets).
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Oil product spot prices - monthly, quarterly and yearly13/12/2024
Indices of real and nominal end-use energy prices
Includes yearly and quarterly indices of real and nominal prices, by OECD country; by sector (industry, households and both combined), by oil product (2 prices, 3 sectors, 9 oil product categories).
Wholesale and retail price indices for energy products
Includes wholesale and retail prices indices for Oil products, Electricity, Natural Gas and Coal (2 measures for 4 energy categories).
IEA Energy Prices - Monthly Prices Excerpt
This dataset is updated once a month and includes monthly end-user total prices for transport fuels in selected countries, based on the IEA Energy Prices database. The Prices team would welcome any feedback or answer questions at Prices@iea.org.
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Monthly Prices Excerpt13/12/2024
Legacy - Energy Prices
Data moved to set "Energy Prices". The energy prices dataset comprises end-user energy prices in four files for three sectors. Products included: Electricity, Natural gas, Kerosene, LPG, Fuel oil, Coal. Countries coverage up to: 57 for weekly, 89 for monthly, 102 for quarterly, 130 for yearly
Legacy - Energy Prices Transport Fuels
Data moved to set "Energy Prices". The transport fuels dataset comprises end-user energy prices in four files. Products included: Regular motor gasoline, Mid-grade motor gasoline, High-grade motor gasoline, Automotive Diesel. Countries coverage up to: 68 for weekly, 104 for monthly, 117 for quarterly, 133 for yearly.
Legacy - Energy Prices Other products
Data moved to set "Energy Prices". The other products dataset comprises end-user energy prices in four files. The dataset includes a compilation of products on ad-hoc basis depending on the relevance of the product for the countries (eg. Fuelwood, Bioethanol).
Legacy - Energy Prices - Transport Fuels (subnational)
Data moved to set "Energy Prices". This dataset includes yearly average for subnational transport fuel prices. Included products: Regular motor gasoline, Mid-grade motor gasoline, High-grade motor gasoline, Automotive Diesel. Countries covered: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, India, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Ukraine, the United States.
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IEA Energy Prices Transport Fuels - Subnational13/12/2024
Legacy - End-use energy prices and taxes for OECD countries
Data moved to set "Energy Prices". This dataset includes yearly and quarterly energy end-use prices and taxation breakdown (ex-tax price, excise taxes, value added rates and taxes, total taxes and total prices including taxes), by 3 sectors. Included products: High sulphur fuel oil, Light fuel oil, Automotive Diesel, Gasoline 98 RON, Gasoline 95 RON, Regular Gasoline, Premium leaded gasoline, Regular leaded gasoline, LPG, Natural gas, Steam coal, Coking coal, Electricity.
Legacy - Consumer and producer price indices, exchange rates and purchasing power parities
Includes consumer price indices – total; consumer price indices – energy; exchange rates to the US dollar; OECD purchasing power parities (PPPs) to the US dollar (5 indicators).
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Consumer and producer price indices, exchange rates and purchasing power parities13/12/2024
The package is updated five times per year. World energy prices is updated in May with data generally available up to the previous year and month-1 depending on the product and availability of the official sources. Energy prices and taxes for OECD countries is updated in the months of March, June, September and December with data up to quarter-1 or quarter-2 depending on the country/product.
December 2024 - Energy Prices and Taxes update
September 2024 - Energy Prices and Taxes update
June 2024 - World Energy Prices light update
April 2024 - World Energy Prices
March 2024 - Energy Prices and Taxes update
December 2023 - Energy Prices and Taxes update
September 2023 - Energy Prices and Taxes update
June 2023 - World Energy Prices light update
December 2024 - Energy Prices and Taxes update
September 2024 - Energy Prices and Taxes update
June 2024 - World Energy Prices light update
April 2024 - World Energy Prices
March 2024 - Energy Prices and Taxes update
December 2023 - Energy Prices and Taxes update
September 2023 - Energy Prices and Taxes update
June 2023 - World Energy Prices light update
June 2023 - Energy Prices and Taxes for OECD countries
April 2023 - World Energy Prices
March 2023 - Energy Prices and Taxes for OECD countries
December 2022 - Energy Prices and Taxes for OECD countries
September 2022 - Energy Prices and Taxes for OECD countries
June 2022 - Energy Prices and Taxes for OECD countries
May 2022 - World Energy Prices
March 2022 - Energy Prices and Taxes for OECD Countries
January 2022 - World Energy Prices - light update
December 2021 - Energy Prices and Taxes for OECD Countries
September 2021 - Energy Prices and Taxes for OECD Countries
June 2021 - Energy Prices and Taxes for OECD Countries
May 2021 - World Energy Prices
March 2021 - Energy Prices and Taxes for OECD Countries
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) pdf
Data availability for World Energy Prices xlsx
Data availability for OECD Energy Prices and Taxes by country xlsx
Data availability for OECD Energy Prices and Taxes by product xlsx
Energy Prices database documentation pdf
Energy Prices extract of taxation information file xlsx