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IEA, Emissions Factors Package - SUBSCRIPTION, IEA, Paris https://www.iea.org/data-and-statistics/data-product/emissions-factors-package-subscription, Licence: Terms of Use for Non-CC Material
Emissions Factors Package - SUBSCRIPTION
The IEA Emission Factors Package integrates monthly and quarterly emission factors with the IEA Emissions Factors and the IEA Life Cycle Upstream Emissions Factors databases
The new IEA Emission Factors Package integrates for the first time monthly and quarterly emission factors with the IEA Emissions Factors and the IEA Life Cycle Upstream Emissions Factors databases. In this 1st edition, the monthly and quarterly emission factors, cover the period from 2015 up to June 2024 for over 50 countries. These timely emission factors are planned to be published on a quarterly basis starting in 2025.
The excel file of this “Package”, integrating information from three different databases, includes a set of emission factors for electricity and electricity/heat generation, as described below:
From the IEA Emission Factors database:
- CO2 emission factors from electricity and heat generation for world countries (in CO2 per kWh, 1990 to 2022).
- CO2 emission factors from electricity only generation (CHP electricity included) for world countries (in CO2 per kWh,1990 to 2022).
- Latest year (year 2023) emission factors for OECD countries and selected non-OECD countries based on provisional electricity generation data (in CO2 per kWh).
- Correction factors for CO2 emissions induced by electricity losses in the grid (in CO2 per kWh,1990 to 2022).
- Correction factors for CO2 emissions induced by electricity trade for OECD countries (in CO2 per kWh,1990 to 2022).
- CH4 and N2O emission factors from electricity generation (in CO2eq per kWh,1990 to 2022).
- Emission factors by fuel from direct combustion in other sectors than electricity and heat production (in CO2 per kg of fuel).
From the IEA Life Cycle Upstream Emission Factors database:
- Total upstream emission factors (in CO2eq per kWh, 2015 to 2022; and 2023 (provisional data for selected countries))
- Fuel-cycle emission factors (in CO2eq per kWh, 2015 to 2022; and 2023 (provisional data for selected countries))
- Life cycle adjustment factors for transmission and distribution losses (in CO2eq per kWh, 2015 to 2022)
Monthly and Quarterly Emission Factors are only available in this database:
- Monthly CO2 emission factors for electricity only generation for 52 countries (CHP electricity included) (in CO2 per kWh, 2015 to June 2024).
- Quarterly CO2 emission factors for electricity only generation for 52 countries (CHP electricity included) (in CO2 per kWh, 2015 to 2nd quarter of 2024).
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Important licence information
For clients who have already purchased the global (unlimited users, multiple locations) licence for either the IEA Emissions Factors 2024 or the IEA Life Cycle Upstream Emissions Factors 2024 databases, this package can be purchased at a discount. For more information please contact datasales@iea.org.
Do I need a contract or permission?
If you are doing work for clients, i.e. third parties, e.g. calculating or verifying their carbon footprint you need to enter into a separate Agreement and pay a fee as this usage is not permitted under our standard terms and conditions.
If you intend to use the data in any type of modelling for the purpose of creating derived data or derived products, and any services to distribute or display such derived products you need to sign an Agreement and pay a fee.
If you intend to have such usage, or have questions please contact datasales@iea.org.
The IEA reserves the right to check the customer's compliance with the terms and conditions.
Data sets
IEA Emission Factors Package
FileUpdatedFormats.Stat Suite
IEA Emission Factors Package - 2024 edition.xlsx30/10/2024
The full package is updated in September each year with data up to year-2 for most indicators, with provisional year-1 data for OECD countries and selected non-OECD countries. The monthly/quarterly emission factors are released on a quarterly basis starting in 2015.
October 2024
Expanded product description and complete database documentation.