Data and statistics
Shares of global bioenergy growth by country and region, 2023 to 2030
India's solid bioenergy demand in total final energy consumption, 2023 to 2030
India's liquid biofuels and biogases demand in total final energy consumption, 2023 to 2030
Energy intensity of commercial passenger aviation in the Net Zero Scenario, 2000-2030
OpenMJ/RTK equivalent
Global total commercial air passenger traffic, 2019-2022
OpenCO2 emissions in aviation in the Net Zero Scenario, 2000-2030
OpenMt CO2
Global total commercial air passenger traffic, 2019-2023
OpenBioenergy use by sector globally in the Net Zero Scenario, 2010-2030
Technical potential of selected renewable energy technologies for electricity generation
Total final geothermal energy consumption by application, 2021
OpenRenewable fuel consumption by fuel, main case and Net Zero Scenario, 2023-2030