Levelised cost of heating of residential heat pumps and alternatives in cold and severe cold climates in Chinese urban areas Openexpand
Levelised cost of heating and cooling of residential heat pumps and alternatives in hot summer-cold winter climates in Chinese urban areas Openexpand
Electricity bill savings from demand response for households by end-use in the NZE Scenario, 2030 and 2050 Openexpand
Cumulative renewable electricity capacity in the main and accelerated cases and Net Zero Scenario, 2021-2030 Openexpand
Increases in global renewable heat consumption and shares of renewables in heat demand by sector, outlook and Net Zero Scenario, 2017-2028 Openexpand
Cumulative renewable electricity capacity in the main and accelerated cases and Net Zero Scenario Openexpand
Global renewable heat consumption and share of renewables in total heat consumption, 2015-2028 Openexpand