Data and statistics
Heating degree days in the Czech Republic, 2000-2020
OpenHDD 16 (Degree (°C) days)
Cooling degree days in the Czech Republic, 2000-2020
OpenCDD 21 (Degree (°C) days)
Methane emissions of imported oil and gas in selected countries and regions, 2020
OpenKt methane
Levelized cost of heating (LCOH) for consumers, for selected space and water heating technologies and countries
Global CCUS projects in development by region or country, 2021
Light-duty vehicle sales in countries with adopted fuel economy (and/or GHG/CO2) standards, 2005-2020
Heavy-duty vehicle sales in countries with adopted fuel economy (and/or GHG/CO2) standards, 2005-2020
Global installed electrolysis capacity by region , 2015-2020
Oil and gas methane emissions associated with domestic production for top 6 committed countries, 2020
OpenKt CH4
Benefit/cost ratio for standards and labelling programmes in selected countries
OpenOil and gas methane emissions in selected countries by sector, 2020
Openkt CH4