Public energy RD&D budgets by country for IEA members and the European Union, latest available year Openexpand
Estimated cumulative emissions reductions due to carbon pricing in Canada compared with other federal policies Openexpand
Household bill reduction potential to 2025 of investment in efficiency improvements in buildings Openexpand
Changes in hydropower capacity factor in the Below 2°C Scenario, 2020-2099, relative to the baseline period Openexpand
Changes in hydropower capacity factor in the Around 3°C Scenario, 2020-2099, relative to the baseline period Openexpand
Light-duty vehicle sales in countries with adopted fuel economy (and/or GHG/CO2) standards, 2005-2019 Openexpand
Heavy-duty vehicle sales in countries with adopted fuel economy (and/or GHG/CO2) standards, 2005-2019 Openexpand
Impact of each month of containment measures on expected annual GDP by sector in selected regions Openexpand