Solar PV production from the test panel at Cirata on a sunny day in the dry season and a cloudy day in the wet season Openexpand
Actual load profile in the Java-Bali grid and simulated Cirata PV output on a weekday in the dry season Openexpand
Indicators of economy-wide cost of capital for debt (government bond + debt risk premium), nominal values, 2016 and 2020 Openexpand
Indicators of economy-wide cost of capital for equity (government bond + equity risk premium), nominal values, 2016 and 2020 Openexpand
Indicative weighted average cost of capital for utility-scale solar PV projects with revenue in India, 2015-2020e Openexpand
Concentrated solar power, pumped hydro and batteries, installed storage capacity in 2020 and 2026 Openexpand