Data and statistics
Reductions in methane emissions from fossil fuel operations from existing policies and pledges, 2020-2030
OpenMt methane
Methane emissions and level of regulatory development on methane control from oil and gas operations in selected countries and regions, to 2030
OpenMt methane
Domestic and imported oil and gas methane emissions for advanced economies, 2023
OpenMt methane
Top three countries' oil production growth in the Announced Pledges Scenario and Stated Policies Scenario, 2030
Refinery output growth in main refining countries, 2018-2019
Openmillion tonnes
Change in OECD oil production by main producing countries, 2020
OpenLiquidity indicators for top-listed energy-related companies, 2018-2019
OpenCurrent ratio
Option-adjusted credit spread for US high-yield energy sector corporate bonds and crude oil price, 2014-2020
OpenUS tight oil production, investment and free cash flow, 2010-2020
OpenOil demand growth in selected countries and regions, 2009-2019
Change in monthly oil demand in selected countries, 2020 relative to 2019