Data and statistics
Level of floods, drought and tropical cyclones in Italy, 2000-2020
OpenTemperature in Italy, 2000-2020
OpenAverage temperature
Heating degree days in Italy, 2000-2020
OpenHDD 16 (Degree (°C) days)
Cooling degree days in Italy, 2000-2020
OpenCDD 21 (Degree (°C) days)
Level of warming in Italy, 2000-2020
Total methane emissions and methane intensity of production in selected oil and gas producers, 2021
OpenGlobal energy-related methane emissions by region reported to the UNFCCC and estimates from the IEA, 2021
OpenMt methane
Top ten emitters of methane, 2021
OpenMt methane
Top twelve emitters of methane with breakdown by sector, 2021
OpenMt methane
Oil and gas methane emissions in selected countries by sector, 2020
Openkt CH4
District heating's share of residential energy demand and share of fossil fuel in district heating, 2017