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Energy system of Senegal
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Key recommendations
Close the gap and achieve universal access to electricity through better co-ordination of players, focusing on the last mile and enhancing the quality of supply. Prioritise the rollout of clean cooking programmes, using LPG and renewables technologies and fuels to make faster progress.
Accelerate renewable development for a more low-emission, affordable and reliable supply and design a power sector strategy for the substitution of heavy fuel oil in electricity production based on integrated system planning, investment in gas peaking plants and a high degree of collaboration among all electricity sector stakeholders.
Ensure the effective application of the new electricity and gas codes with a view to promoting investment in the energy sector, particularly in renewable energies.
Intensify efforts to attract a diversified set of financial resources, working with donors and the private sector, by developing a plan for long-term energy investments. As part of the plan, quantify investment in the necessary oil and gas infrastructure that is adequate to underpin the country’s development and supports the greater penetration of renewable energy across the energy sector.
Ensure better co-ordination of the actions taken in the energy sector by the various stakeholders around the MEP. Bring together the agencies responsible for energy management and renewable energies and possibly the rural electrification agency within a single agency, with a view to strengthening the synergy of their actions, pooling their means of intervention and increasing their impact, particularly in rural areas.
Intensify regional co-operation, particularly in the field of electricity grid interconnections, energy efficiency and renewable energy standards, strategies for access to electricity and clean cooking technologies.
Scale up energy efficiency programmes that have been successful in the appliances/lighting/cooling sectors and can be leveraged in industry and transport sectors.
Develop and implement Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for appliances that are aligned with major exporting countries, drawing on examples of standards and labelling programmes in Ghana and other countries in the subregion.
Continue and strengthen the energy data collection and use and the national training and skills development effort, particularly at the level of technicians and engineers, in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency.