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Energy system of Germany
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Key recommendations
Expand the scope and ambition of energy and climate policies beyond a focus on the electricity sector, especially to transport and heat, to achieve a genuine energy transition across all sectors.
Ensure the timely expansion and upgrading of transmission lines in order to improve system operations and integrate larger amounts of variable renewable electricity. Expedite the process of permitting and building new transmission lines to meet future transmission needs.
Adopt a more comprehensive approach to promoting reduced energy demand in transportation, including stronger incentives for cost-effective consumer adoption of alternative transport technologies and promotion of public and multi-modal transport.
Reform and strengthen measures targeting an increased renovation rate of existing buildings to foster energy efficiency improvements.
Bolster energy security through diversified gas imports, including LNG; ensure electricity security during the energy transition through flexibility and preparedness.
Remove the barriers that hinder efficient sector coupling, by fostering a level playing field across end-use sectors, including by removing fossil fuel tax breaks; introducing carbon pricing in non ETS sectors; and rebalancing taxes, levies and incentives, while fairly allocating costs and benefits across customer groups.